By Joe Griffith

Ten seconds left in the game. I start pushing towards the three point line. My teammate passes the ball and I shoot, hoping that somehow I make the miracle shot. Two seconds. I shoot the ball. Swish. My teammates and I start freaking out, as I hit the craziest buzzer beater. Everyone is so happy and we’re having the time of our lives. Without wheel chair basketball, this moment wouldn’t have been possible.

I have been playing wheel chair basketball for the past two years. At first, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to play, as it seemed hard and I had never been presented the chance to play wheel chair basketball. However, when a staff member at the Charlestown Boys & Girls Club asked me to try it out and play, I decided to try it out. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

The first night I played wheel chair basketball was a little rough. It was weird trying to shoot and move around. I had never moved in a wheel chair before, and my arms started to hurt after pushing for a while. However, after playing for a little bit, it started to become fun. Everyone else was having a tough time adjusting, but we all were laughing and having a good time. After playing for a little bit, I finally made my first basket. I was so happy, and I was convinced that I would keep playing.

After the first night I started, I started regularly going to wheel chair basketball nights at the Charlestown Boys & Girls Club. It became a Monday night tradition, and I started to get better and better. Two years after that first night, I am so excited every time I am given the chance to play. It is such a great opportunity for everyone, as it is such a fun activity and gives everyone the opportunity to build sportsmanship and the ability to work with others.

The Charlestown Boys & Girls Club had the opportunity to play against three other teams in a spring jamboree: South Boston, Brockton, and Daniel Marr Club in Dorchester. It was a thrilling night, with each team playing in two games, and watching two games. We faced Dorchester in the finals, and with their quick speed, ball fakes, and amazing passes, they took home the championship. It was a great way to meet other Boys & Girls Club members who have been actively participating in Wheelchair Basketball at their club. It was great competition and we look forward to the next jamboree in the spring!

As I head to college next year, I will miss the Monday night wheelchair basketball sessions. It was such an enjoyable experience, and I will remember it for the rest of my life. Everyone should have the chance to play wheelchair basketball, and I know that I will find a way to always play wheelchair basketball.


Written by: Joseph Griffith, Graduating Boston Latin School Senior ’18, Charlestown Club ‘18



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