Event Series SWIMMING – AdptvSptsNE (Boston)

SWIMMING – AdptvSptsNE (Boston)

University of Massachusetts Boston/Clark Athletic Center Pool 100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA, United States

Join Paralympic Sport Club Boston swim team training for swimmers of all ages and levels of competitiveness.  Must be able to swim 50 yards safely and comfortably without aids.  Supportive of swimmers who are on school or club teams as well as those swimming regularly for fitness and young swimmers learning strokes.  Competition optional.  REGISTRATION […]

Event Series SWIMMING – AdptvSptsNE (Boston)

SWIMMING – AdptvSptsNE (Boston)

University of Massachusetts Boston/Clark Athletic Center Pool 100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA, United States

Join Paralympic Sport Club Boston swim team training for swimmers of all ages and levels of competitiveness.  Must be able to swim 50 yards safely and comfortably without aids.  Supportive of swimmers who are on school or club teams as well as those swimming regularly for fitness and young swimmers learning strokes.  Competition optional.  REGISTRATION […]

Event Series SWIM LESSONS – SSYMCA (Quincy)


South Shore YMCA - Quincy 79 Coddington St, Quincy , MA, United States

For youth with visual or mobility impairments (with typical cognitive, social and emotional development). Operated by South Shore YMCA - Quincy Branch. Registration process TBA. Contact Joe Walsh for more information.  joe.walsh@adaptivesportsne.org.