By Crea Baker-Durante

Sam Borek will be entering his senior year at Scituate High School in the fall of 2019. He will be a three-sport athlete his senior year, competing on the cross country team as well as the winter and spring track teams.

Sam has been running since he was in sixth grade. When he got to high school, he wanted to join a sports team and decided that cross country and track and field would be the best fit for him. For the winter season, Sam runs the 55m and 300m, and in the spring he runs the 100m and throws discus. A typical workout for Sam in cross country is a warm-up lap, a lap of stretching, then some static stretching before the team goes for a 2-3 mile run. When they come back to the track, they do abs and finish with some small sprints. Track and field workouts are quite similar except Sam also does discus and sprint workouts. Outside of his athletics, Sam is extremely interested in the drums, music and music production. He also loves to write short stories – specifically science-fiction novels.

Sam has had some pretty memorable moments thus far in his high school career. One of the biggest accomplishments for him in cross country was him being able to run 3 miles straight without stopping. “I felt like I was becoming a decent runner and that I was really beginning to like cross country.” This past spring in track and field, Sam threw for his personal best in the discus throw. “It motivated me to push myself and throw even farther next time.” Through these accomplishments and goals that he has set, Sam’s drive is at an all-time high. He hopes that his senior year will be the best yet, because he wants to become the best athlete he can. He’s looking forward to this upcoming year as well academically, as he is taking 2 AP’s and all other honors classes. He wants to get into a good college that will give him challenging academics and a good music program.

Sam is the kind of athlete one should look up to, with his attitude and passion. “If you feel like you aren’t progressing, you are. Every time you practice and you run, you will slowly get better at it. Stick with it and practice really hard.”



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